Wine Tasting Pop-Up
BLDG 5Join BLDG 5 & Lauren Attaway of UnCorked Wines as we share samples from our wine menu at the front door!
Join BLDG 5 & Lauren Attaway of UnCorked Wines as we share samples from our wine menu at the front door!
featuring Zoe Levert (weather permitting)
BLDG 5 will be participating as a food & beverage vendor for the 2nd year!
featuring Peter Simon (weather permitting)
featuring Chris Ocmand (weather permitting)
featuring Ryan Jenkins (weather permitting)
featuring Caitlyn Renee (weather depending)
featuring Rhett Glindmeyer (weather permitting)
featuring Cam Pyle (weather permitting)
BLDG 5 Lemonades at The Junior League's Hollydays Blitzen's Bash & Silent Auction!